Matriarch, oil on canvas, 48 x 60 inches
Eternal Bystander, oil on canvas, 26 x 34 inches
Ireland, 2009: 1, oil and collage on canvas, 26 x 22 inches
Ireland, 2009: 2, oil and collage on canvas, 26 x 22 inches
Cape Cod, 2009, oil and collage on canvas, 58 x 70 inches
Fragmented Memory, oil on canvas, 46 x 38 inches
Perspective of The Witness, oil on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
Family Tree, oil and inkjet on linen, 24 x 18 inches
Memories of Others: T., oil and collage on canvas, 8 x 8 inches
Memories of Others: H., oil and collage on canvas, 8 x 8 inches
Memories of Others: S., oil and collage on canvas
Memories of Others: E., oil and collage on canvas, 8 x 8 inches
Memories of Others: S.2, oil and collage on canvas, 8 x 8 inches